Oana Bogdan @ AzWVienna Symposium – 2022

Oana Bogdan speaking at the Architekturzentrum Wien Symposium on October 20, 2022!

Oana has been invited to lecture about The Cosmopolitan and to debate at the “(Re)Use Simply” Symposium organised by the Architekturzentrum Wien on October 20, 2022. Organised in cooperation with the IBA_Wien – the city’s International Building Exhibition on Future Social Housing – “the symposium is dedicated to the future of building, in a world threatened by climate catastrophe.” 

The topics “Build simply”, “Circular Building” and “(Re)Use simply” will be discussed by means of lectures and panel discussions, to which a number of innovative and exciting European architects and urbanists are invited. The panel “Build simply” sees the future of the building industry in an orientation towards construction methods that are as simple and robust as possible, in connection with simple usability. Buildings as a source of raw materials are central to the two panels “Circular Building” and “(Re)Use simply”. Here, the life cycle of buildings is scrutinised, on the one hand at the component and material level, and on the other with regard to spatial structure and quality. In panel discussions the findings will be put into the context of Viennese city planning.

Find out more about the event through the following link!

Register for free at anmeldung@azw.at !

Date and location:
Oana Bogdan – 20th of October
Time : Panel 3 “Einfach (Um)Nutzen” 16:00 – 16:30
Location : Architekturzentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

Date: 04.10.2022