Lecture ‘Design-by-thinking-of-bats’ – 2023

Design is based on a world of thoughts… and thoughts are based on a world of images. At least that is what Aristotle, Kant or architect O.M.Ungers would like to call: ‘thinking by metaphors’ ;). On the 17th of January, Oana Bogdan will give a lecture in Amsterdam titled ‘Design-by-thinking-of-bats’. A compelling title, yet with a clear message: design is actively and inclusively ‘architecting’ (as a verb) the world around us by creating for all human and nonhuman beings. 

‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of invitation-only lectures, by and for architects. It offers a new platform for architects to share their projects and specific thoughts around design.

Practical information:

Date: 17.01.2024
Tolhuistuin’s Galerij in Amsterdam North
Opening hours: Doors open at 7:00 PM, the lecture starts at 7:30 PM
Lecture will be in English
Register: please send an email to dbto@winhov.nl, stating: Oana Bogdan

Date: 22.12.2023